I created a jacked for my theme of Simple Vs Complex - to share my experience with depression. Emotions can be both simple and very complex - not simply Sad or Happy. The threads on the left hand side represent tears and the feeling of 'coming undone' with depression. On the Right there are no loose threads as when I am happy I feel -  'more put together'. Tidying also helps me feel better and gives me a sense of control. I made the embroidery on a jacket as I am literally - Wearing my heart on my sleeve'. The machine embroidery was inspired by collections from Alexander McQueen as well as textile artist Rosie James.

I designed and made a set of wings, inspired by Alexander McQueen's butterfly dress. I also made a head-dress constructed with wire, using pheasant feathers to form a crown.

Dressed in a simple one-piece bodysuit, I then went to find a location to shoot the look. I went to a woodland area near my home and used the background of foliage for the shoot. The cow parsley in the field gave the images a magical feeling. I think this look would work well on a catwalk or equally for a costume design of Titania Queen of the Fairies in Midsummer Night's Dream.

I am creating 2 banners in my response to artist Cas Holmes for my Simple vs Complex theme. I have a sub theme of nature, so I am looking at creating collages of nature-inspired fashion drawings which I am drawing and painting on. I have placed the drawings on banners which will be embellished with simple embroidery for the left hand banner and complex machine embroidery on the right. I will use flowers from my own garden as the source images for the embroidery. Inspired by Holmes textile collages and also embroidery by Moschino.

Banner detail showing the flowers that were sewn onto the final design and the machine stitching that finished off the 'complex banner'.

I added material, real flowers and stitched detailing to the final banners with contrasting use of simple and complex flowers, machine and hand embroidery.

To prepare for the final, timed piece in the exam, I referenced PIET MONDRIAN, as I was inspired by his graphic, floral painting. I had also recently modelled for a shoot where the fabric was created using flowers as stencils, I even helped to create some for the designers. So I combined these techniques and decided to make a constructed bag as my final exam submission.

Taking inspiration from the flowers in my own garden, I chose a hellebore as the shape for my bag, I worked out how to construct it using plywood and a fabric inner liner, then glued canvas on the outer edge in order to provide a based for the painting. I contrsutced a handle using twisted cord and added jewels to the final design.

This was my final bag. I thought it worked really well. I was pleased that the painting worked well on the canvas but would have liked more time to finish it completely. The plywood was a little heavy for a real bag, so I would change that if it was a commercial piece. Overall I was really happy with the outcome.

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